
Plataforma de informação, artigos e notícias sobre temas socioambientais


Leitura científica recomendada: artigos sobre recifes de coral publicados na PLos ONE

22 Apr 2009

Doom and Boom on a Resilient Reef: Climate Change, Algal Overgrowth and Coral Recovery

Guillermo Diaz-Pulido, Laurence J. McCook, Sophie Dove, Ray Berkelmans, George Roff, David I. Kline, Scarla Weeks, Richard D. Evans, David H. Williamson, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg


20 Aug 2008

Phase Shift from a Coral to a Corallimorph-Dominated Reef Associated with a Shipwreck on Palmyra Atoll

Thierry M. Work, Greta S. Aeby, James E. Maragos


27 Aug 2008

Climate Warming, Marine Protected Areas and the Ocean-Scale Integrity of Coral Reef Ecosystems

Nicholas A. J. Graham, Tim R. McClanahan, M. Aaron MacNeil, Shaun K. Wilson, Nicholas V. C. Polunin, Simon Jennings, Pascale Chabanet, Susan Clark, Mark D. Spalding, Yves Letourneur, Lionel Bigot, René Galzin, Marcus C. Öhman, Kajsa C. Garpe, Alasdair J. Edwards, Charles R. C. Sheppard


18 Feb 2009

Macroalgae Has No Effect on the Severity and Dynamics of Caribbean Yellow Band Disease

Ivana Vu, Gillian Smelick, Sam Harris, Sarah C. Lee, Ernesto Weil, Robert F. Whitehead, John F. Bruno


03 Jun 2009

Coping with Commitment: Projected Thermal Stress on Coral Reefs under Different Future Scenarios

Simon D. Donner


27 Feb 2008

Baselines and Degradation of Coral Reefs in the Northern Line Islands

Stuart A. Sandin, Jennifer E. Smith, Edward E. DeMartini, Elizabeth A. Dinsdale, Simon D. Donner, Alan M. Friedlander, Talina Konotchick, Machel Malay, James E. Maragos, David Obura, Olga Pantos, Gustav Paulay, Morgan Richie, Forest Rohwer, Robert E. Schroeder, Sheila Walsh, Jeremy B. C. Jackson, Nancy Knowlton, Enric Sala


08 Aug 2007

Regional Decline of Coral Cover in the Indo-Pacific: Timing, Extent, and Subregional Comparisons

John F. Bruno, Elizabeth R. Selig


27 Feb 2008

Microbial Ecology of Four Coral Atolls in the Northern Line Islands

Elizabeth A. Dinsdale, Olga Pantos, Steven Smriga, Robert A. Edwards, Florent Angly, Linda Wegley, Mark Hatay, Dana Hall, Elysa Brown, Matthew Haynes, Lutz Krause, Enric Sala, Stuart A. Sandin, Rebecca Vega Thurber, Bette L. Willis, Farooq Azam, Nancy Knowlton, Forest Rohwer


18 Jun 2008

Coral Pathogens Identified for White Syndrome (WS) Epizootics in the Indo-Pacific

Meir Sussman, Bette L. Willis, Steven Victor, David G. Bourne


13 May 2009

The Effect of Adult Aggression on Habitat Selection by Settlers of Two Coral-Dwelling Damselfishes

Ofer Ben-Tzvi, Moshe Kiflawi, Omer Polak, Avigdor Abelson


16 Jul 2008

Diversity and Evolution of Coral Fluorescent Proteins

Naila O. Alieva, Karen A. Konzen, Steven F. Field, Ella A. Meleshkevitch, Marguerite E. Hunt, Victor Beltran-Ramirez, David J. Miller, Jörg Wiedenmann, Anya Salih, Mikhail V. Matz


06 May 2009

Fishery-Independent Data Reveal Negative Effect of Human Population Density on Caribbean Predatory Fish Communities

Christopher D. Stallings


14 Oct 2008

Genetic Traces of Recent Long-Distance Dispersal in a Predominantly Self-Recruiting Coral

Madeleine J. H. van Oppen, Adrian Lutz, Glenn De’ath, Lesa Peplow, Stuart Kininmonth


13 Nov 2008

Natural Disease Resistance in Threatened Staghorn Corals

Steven V. Vollmer, David I. Kline


14 May 2008

Macroalgal-Associated Dinoflagellates Belonging to the Genus Symbiodinium in Caribbean Reefs

Isabel Porto, Camila Granados, Juan C. Restrepo, Juan A. Sánchez


13 Mar 2009

Identification and Gene Expression Analysis of a Taxonomically Restricted Cysteine-Rich Protein Family in Reef-Building Corals

Shinichi Sunagawa, Michael K. DeSalvo, Christian R. Voolstra, Alejandro Reyes-Bermudez, Mónica Medina


19 Feb 2009

Vibrio Zinc-Metalloprotease Causes Photoinactivation of Coral Endosymbionts and Coral Tissue Lesions

Meir Sussman, Jos C. Mieog, Jason Doyle, Steven Victor, Bette L. Willis, David G. Bourne


01 Apr 2009

Spatio-Temporal Transmission Patterns of Black-Band Disease in a Coral Community

Assaf Zvuloni, Yael Artzy-Randrup, Lewi Stone, Esti Kramarsky-Winter, Roy Barkan, Yossi Loya


24 Sep 2008

Some Rare Indo-Pacific Coral Species Are Probable Hybrids

Zoe T. Richards, Madeleine J. H. van Oppen, Carden C. Wallace, Bette L. Willis, David J. Miller


15 Jul 2009

Reef Endemism, Host Specificity and Temporal Stability in Populations of Symbiotic Dinoflagellates from Two Ecologically Dominant Caribbean Corals

Daniel J. Thornhill, Yu Xiang, William K. Fitt, Scott R. Santos


02 Jul 2008

Expulsion of Symbiotic Algae during Feeding by the Green Hydra – a Mechanism for Regulating Symbiont Density?

Yelena Fishman, Eliahu Zlotkin, Daniel Sher


12 Sep 2007

The p53 Tumor Suppressor-Like Protein nvp63 Mediates Selective Germ Cell Death in the Sea AnemoneNematostella vectensis

Sandra Pankow, Casimir Bamberger


27 May 2009

Shellfish Face Uncertain Future in High CO2 World: Influence of Acidification on Oyster Larvae Calcification and Growth in Estuaries

A. Whitman Miller, Amanda C. Reynolds, Cristina Sobrino, Gerhardt F. Riedel


Lista sugerida por John Bruno , Professor Associado de Ecologia Marinha da University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

EcoDebate, 03/08/2009

EcoDebate, 03/08/2009

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